Neodya II

Welcome to Neodya II, the world where you can build your dreams. We encourage you to take advantage of the unique magnetic properties of the planet. Neodya II boasts some of the most powerful magnetics in the star system.We provide a wide range of b…

Welcome to Neodya II, the world where you can build your dreams. We encourage you to take advantage of the unique magnetic properties of the planet. Neodya II boasts some of the most powerful magnetics in the star system.

We provide a wide range of building materials for you during your stay. These can be used in any manner you see fit. Start a new city from scratch or collaborate with your fellow travelers to build a megalopolis.

On behalf on everyone here on Neodya II, we are excited to see your additions to this planet. Enjoy your stay.


Figment Boston 2012 
Rose Kennedy Greenway 

Figment Phila 2013 
Clark Park 

InLiquid's "Art for the Cash Poor"
2013, Philadelphia, PA

UPenn's "Scale / Scope" symposium
2014, Meyerson Hall, Philadelphia PA



Dan Sternof Beyer, Bevan Weissman
Kawandeep Virdee, Brandon Stafford